Blown Away. The Palace of the Republic

Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace, Berlin

The Glass Flower (deconstructed) © Reginald Richter and Richard Wilhelm

• Jens Imig
• Stefan Rothert
• Birgit Schlegel
• Marlene Schaefermeyer
• Bianca Mohr
• Gabriel Tecklenburg
• Antoine Laurent

• Riepe Ausstellungsbau
• bbs production & design GmbH

Showcase Manufacturing
• Vitrinen- und Glasbau REIER GmbH

Media Development and Production
• Frank Schültge Blumm
• Crème
• Linon Medien KG

Media Technology
• Eidotech GmbH

• Christoph Musiol

Fit in the Forest – Health Trail in Berlin’s Grunewald Forest

Forestry district Dachsberg, Grunewald Forest

FiF Logo

Julia Junghänel
Antoine Laurent
Stefan Rothert
Gabriel Tecklenburg

Production and Mounting
• Team Falko Riepe

• gewerkdesign

Münchner Platz Memorial, Dresden

Münchner Platz Memorial, external view

After his release from prison 1934, the communist artist Fritz Schulze (1903 – 1942) created the linocut „Gefängnisrundgang“, Prison Tour.

Jens Imig
Birgit Schlegel
• Costanza Rossi

Print production
• Hertzer GmbH


• Münchner Platz Memorial Dresden: Ellen Schwalbe

Hiking trails around Brodowin

A signage system for Brodowin eco-village

Brodowin's boulders, rocks, and stones

• Birgit Schlegel
• Henning Humml
• Stefan Rothert
• Sebastian Franke

Production and Mounting
• Falko Riepe

• Henning Humml

• gewerkdesign

Wald. Berlin. Klima. – An Exhibition in the Forest

Grunewald Forest, Berlin

Logo of the exhibition Wald.Berlin.Klima.


Stefan Rothert
• Henning Humml
• Julia Junghänel
• Alexandra Zackiewicz

• hochC – Landschaftsarchitektur
• Planungsbüro Förster
• Dr. Michael Lüken
• BCO – Architekten
• Lotsenhaus Media
• Lars Bergelt

• Henning Humml
• Coverphoto: Philip Winkelmeier