Blown Away. The Palace of the Republic

Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace, Berlin

The Glass Flower (deconstructed) © Reginald Richter and Richard Wilhelm

• Jens Imig
• Stefan Rothert
• Birgit Schlegel
• Marlene Schaefermeyer
• Bianca Mohr
• Gabriel Tecklenburg
• Antoine Laurent

• Riepe Ausstellungsbau
• bbs production & design GmbH

Showcase Manufacturing
• Vitrinen- und Glasbau REIER GmbH

Media Development and Production
• Frank Schültge Blumm
• Crème
• Linon Medien KG

Media Technology
• Eidotech GmbH

• Christoph Musiol

OUR STATE. 75 Years of North Rhine-Westphalia

Exterior view of the Behrensbau (© Stiftung Haus der Geschichte Nordrhein-Westfalen, Axel Thünker)

Window of St. Lambertus Church in Erkelenz-Immerath

Stefan Rothert
Jens Imig
• Bianca Mohr
• Janine Iser
• Julia Junghänel
• Yunus Kleff
• Marlene Schaefermeyer
• Antoine Laurent
• Gabriel Tecklenburg

Exhibition production and mounting
• i.xpo, Kaarst

• lichttransfer, Berlin

Media production and technical support
• Eidotech GmbH, Berlin
• 235 Media, Köln
• framegrabber GmbH, Hamburg
• Kulturbanause, Berlin

Graphics production
• MegaLab GmbH, Köln
• i.xpo, Kaarst

Showcase set-up
• Zehnpfennig und Weber, Berlin

Typography composition and picture editing
• vogelfrei Design, Berlin

Media editing
• Larissa Blau, Berlin

• David Ward, Berlin
• Ingrid Dixon, Gloucestershire, UK

• Christoph Musiol

Willy Brandt: Freedom Fighter, Chancellor for Peace, Bridge Builder

Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin

In 1933, Brandt flew from the Nazis in a fishing boat

• Stefan Rothert
• Jens Imig
• Sebastian Franke
• Janine Iser
• Takaya Kobayashi
• Alexandra Zackiewicz
• Carsten Saalmann

Production Management
• Sebastian Franke

Exhibition production
• Bernhard Wedow, Hertzer Gmbh
• Isabel Magritz, Hertzer Gmbh

• Milo Lorenz, Graphscape GmbH
• Christian Kremer, Graphscape GmbH
• Jörgen Pisarz, artavi

• Jana Arnold, Rost: Werbetechnik GmbH
• Berit Albrecht, Rost: Werbetechnik GmbH

• gewerkdesign