The special exhibition discusses the future changes in our working habits, brought about by the increasing competition humans encounter from artificial intelligence. Will we find new modes of cooperation, enabling us to work more freely, or will human employees be made more and more redundant? The joint exhibition project by the Bucerius Lab of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and the Museum der Arbeit discusses in eleven chapters the fundamental changes AI and robots have already brought about in our working environment and which developments might be in store for us. The exhibition weighs chances and risks of these developments and encourages reflection about our position in the future working world. The exhibition’s scenography elaborates on the connection between humans and machines, drawing a line from the past to the present, and spying into the future. The exhibition commences in the lobby – furnished with paintings showing a romanticised idea of work, and doused in a warm and dim light. In the exhibition hall, a former industrial site, a sharp contrast follows: here the visitors find themselves entangled in a »neural network«, resembling the human brain and its organic connections, nerve cords, and synapses, but resembling also the core of an artificial intelligence – straight, cool, technical, and fast. Cords span the whole room, lead to the different narrative chapters, and create connections. Everything is connected to everything in this simplistic, concentrated, and dynamic design. The last exhibition chapter is an interactive and participatory »Forum« – a place for entering the discussion about one’s experiences and one’s own point of view.
Tasks / Range of Services
Exhibition design and planning, implementation planning, preparation/participation in the commissioning process, design, concept development for the display, exhibition production, visiual signage system, project management and consulting project development, exhibition graphics
• Opening: 6. November 2018
• Where: Museum der Arbeit,
• Client: Stiftung Historische
FMuseen Hamburg in cooperation
Fwith Zeitstiftung Ebelin and
FGerd Bucerius
• 650 m²
Related projects
• Sugars and Beyond!, Berlin
• Science + Fiction,
FTraveling Exhibition
• Jens Imig
• Franziska Müller
• Victor Reichert
• Birgit Schlegel
• Ida Flik
• Anna Priese
Light and Mounting
• Team Museum für Arbeit
• Uwe Sinkemat
• Pablo Hassmann