The international travelling exhibition »science + fiction« contemplates the cultural relations between the fine arts and science.
In this post-exhibition workshop the two curators, two of gewerkdesign’s designers and students from different creative backgrounds took a closer look at models used for communicating scientific theses.
The students developed their own models in a wire frame of 50 x 50 x 50 cm for communicating a theory of their choice. The models were then presented in the lobby of the Nobel Museum.
Tasks / Range of Services
Workshop, planning and presentation
• 18. – 24. August 2004
• Presentation: 24. August 2004
Fat the Nobel Museum Stockholm
• Client: Nobel Museum, Jubilee
FFund of the Swedish Central
FBank, Volkswagen Foundation
• Participants: Curators of the
FNobelmuseum, gewerkdesign,
Fstudents from different
Fcreative backgrounds
Related projects
• Science + Fiction – Zwischen
FNanowelt und Globaler Kultur
• Jens Imig
• Stefan Rothert
• Stefan Iglhaut
• Thomas Spring
• gewerkdesign