The »CityCruiser II« formally, technically and conceptually improves velotaxi’s prototype from the year 2000, which was also designed by gewerkdesign. This new generation of vehicles is characterized by a modular cabin and a flexible chassis, transforming the muscle-driven, freight tricycle into a sport-and-lifestyle device.
The velotaxi is made of polyethylene and becomes a delivery and shop vehicle when the back part of the cabin is replaced and the chassis is contracted. It is available as an e-bike and can be equipped with solar panels for charging the batteries.
In addition to the carriage’s practical advantages – providing advertising space – the velotaxi has become a sympathetic and popular icon in the city traffic of Berlin. Implementing an alternative concept of transportation, it is known all over the world as the very symbol of eco-friendly transportation.
Tasks / Range of Services
Participation in developing the concept, design and planning of the chassis, compilation of the 3d-data and preparation for the tool manufacturing, design of equipment and accessories
• Rollout and presentation:
• Client: veloform, Berlin
• Follow-up model of the
FCityCruiser I from 2000
• dashes through 120 cities
Fall over the globe
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• Produzentenfotos