To think of design holistically means to understand design as a dynamic process rather than as a product or service. Since the founding of gewerkdesign, our working method has been committed to an interdisciplinary approach that sees design not only as the craft of trained designers and architects, but also as the successful transformation of the visions of all those involved in a project. This way, ideas become realities by the means of design. Reflecting and developing this process through workshops is therefore a crucial part of our design practice. Workshops precede the implementation of concepts, but are also offered by us independently of commissioned projects. Through almost three decades of intensive collaboration with clients and project partners from a wide variety of fields, we have many years of experience in the moderation of different interests and successful development of the individual parameters of specific projects as well as the conditions for their realization.
Methodology and implementation competence come together in this format and can transform content, ideas and motives into a productive structure through our didactic expertise. The results of a workshop can be used in many ways: they can provide the foundation for the implementation of concrete design concepts, e.g. an exhibition, digital information and participation offerings, a CI/CD or the new conception of a museum. They can also serve as a basis for the preparation of a feasibility study, a funding application or a call for tenders. Together, a precise analysis of the tasks and challenges of a project can be carried out, processes can be optimized and an implementation can be prepared.
Although an individual workshop is developed for each situation and client, some components and effects are common to all formats: by exchanging and adopting different positions and perspectives, motives and goals can be determined, the specific situation can be evaluated, personnel and hierarchical structures can be broken down, areas of responsibility can be distributed, and techniques of creative work can be trained. A workshop by gewerkdesign can also serve as further training or as a tool for team building. Each workshop is therefore a bundling of skills and perspectives, which benefits all participants.
Portfolio / Range of Services:
Basic evaluation, concept and design, strategy and structure of the workshop, planning and execution, moderation, preparation and follow-up, creation of workshop media
Possible tasks and goals of a workshop:
• Development of new museum concepts
• Structuring of information in space
• Development of control system concepts for complex building projects
• Generation, inclusion and use of the creative potential of all project participants
• Specification of project ideas
• Consulting for projects in public space
Similar projects
• Wald. Berlin. Klima. – An Exhibition in the Forest, Berlin
• Hiking trails around Brodowin, signage system in Brodowin