The event series gewerk in the garden serves as an exchange platform and resonance space for designers, culture professionals and other creative enthusiasts, taking place in the garden of our studio in Berlin-Friedenau.
We aim at one to three events of this series per year, each with a different thematic focus. Invited speakers from various areas offer theoretical or practical grounds for an interactive discourse with our guests by means of inspiring speeches, readings and workshops, making accessible new perspectives and developments.
Why is this important to us?
Design in general and exhibition design in particular are always an expression of societal developments and are also an opportunity to influence modes of action. Cultural, social and political processes are inscribed into all creative disciplines. Thereby, it becomes virtually indispensable to ask specific creative questions time and again. Questions such as: Who is being addressed? And maybe more importantly: Who isn’t? How is the creative message being communicated? Are ecologic and economic factors being considered sufficiently? How do current events, the discourse and trends alter creative disciplines, the creative industry and creative work?
As an interdisciplinary design studio, we need to pose these questions continually and discuss them, to transfer ideas and concepts to other areas, perspectives and contexts, to make them transparent for us and our audience. By exploratively thinking outside of the box of our own creative activity, we are searching for sustained inspiration.
Together with our guests, we would like to not only discuss current issues and tendencies, but beyond that, to jointly develop new topics and questions, in the hope of sparking a fruitful dialogue between different perspectives from various areas.
Following each event, we publish a summary with texts and images (in German), which is available as PDF at the top of this page in the theme archive. Find current news about gewerk in the garden in the news on our website and on Instagram.
• Start: May 2022
• Frequency: 1 to 3 times per year
• Location: our studio garden, Berlin
Theme Archive
Kristina von Bülow