In the catalogue accompanying the exhibition, the Swedish author Aris Fioretos illustrates the historic and biographic context of Nelly Sachs’s poems, presenting numerous previously unpublished photographs and documents.
Nelly Sachs, who in 1940 fled from Berlin to Stockholm on one of the last passenger planes, was awarded to Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966. A large portion of her poetic output was written in a 4 m2 alcove within her apartment in Stockholm. The furniture of Sachs’s apartment are stored at the Royal Swedish Library and were documented and photographed for the catalogue.
Tasks / Range of Services
Catalogue and print design of all graphic products
• Published: March 2010
• Catalogue accompanying
Fthe exhibition by Aris Fioretos
• Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin
• 350 pages
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FNelly Sachs, Schriftstellerin
• Jens Imig
• Birgit Schlegel
• Katharina Erben
• Christine Kitta
• Ola Wallin
Cover Photography
• Harry Järv, Kungliga Biblioteket Stockholm
• gewerkdesign