The exhibition »Wald. Berlin. Klima.« will examine the forests’ adaptation to climate change and explain the work of the foresters. Approaching an important threshold in the development of the project, gewerkdesign organized a workshop for distributing the exhibits and examining the exhibition financially – »Education meets Design«.
In this workshop, the participants were invited to consider content, design and budget for each of the different chapters of the exhibition and bring these aspects together on large pieces of cardboard representing the exhibition’s stations.
Portfolio / Range of Services: concept, strategy and structure of the seminar, preparation and documentation, preparing and providing workshop materials
• Workshop: 10. November 2015
• Client: Senate Department
Ffor Urban Development and
Fthe Environment
• Participants: Berliner Forsten,
FhochC – Landschafts-
Farchitektur, gewerkdesign
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• Henning Humml
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Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
• gewerkdesign