In order to determine how a presentation of the developments after 1945 should be integrated into Bremen’s Focke-Museum for Art and Cultural History, gewerkdesign and Exponatus conducted a feasibility study and a first-cost estimate.
Their recommendations were to enlarge the exhibition space, to gently remodel and restructure the permanent exhibition, to install a learning centre at the Eichenhof and to use the auditorium for events and gastronomy.
The next step in the development of this project was the study »Masterplan Focke #Bremen«, resulting from many workshops and meetings. The Friends of the Focke-Museum Association and the Nikolaus H. Schilling Foundation generously funded both projects.
Portfolio / Range of Services: facilitation of the workshop, project management and counselling project development, graphic design of the accompanying booklet
• Publication of the Masterplan
Fstudy: April 2015
• Client: Foundation of the
FFocke-Museum, Bremen State
FMuseum for Art and Cultural
• Participants Workshop:
FEmployees of the Focke-
FMuseum, Bremen State Museum
Ffor Art and Cultural History,
Fgewerkdesign, Ulrich Ruwe
FArchitects, Exponatus
• Masterplan study: 86 pages
Related projects
• Jens Imig
• Nanna Funke
• Steffen Sendelbach
Exhibition Management
• Thomas Köstlin, Exponatus
• Architekturbüro Ulrich Ruwe BDA
• gewerkdesign